Location : Jiangsu, China
Site Area : 359 m²
Category : Interior Design
The overall design of the interior of the exhibition space is tends to be more futuristic and sophisticated. The fluid design technique of the interior creates a dynamic and enjoyable feeling to the visitor when they enter the space. The exhibition space also serves an important purpose of welcoming guest VIPs and visitors in order to encourage people to know deeper about the company. One of the eye-catching elements inside the exhibition space is the 360˚ hanging projection screen. The irregular-shaped screen located on the left side of the space. It wraps around a physical powertrain model and provides a maximum visual experience for the visitors. The chosen materials are also incorporate with the theme of the company. The contrast between metallic tiles and the white marble helps separating the reception area and the main exhibition area. It creates a huge visual impact on the visitor to sense a mixture of a dark industrial feeling and a bright modernist cyber-atmosphere.
我们为江苏重塑科技厂区里打造了一个室内展厅,方便迎接贵宾和介绍公司背景等。展厅主要用来展出重塑研发的模型样板。以及更多有关公司的历史,研究方向与成果。展厅的设计风格以科技化、未来感为主。室内傢具呈流线型外观,让人一进来就有一种简约舒服的感觉。展厅最大的亮点就是大堂中心的360˚ 投影幕,屏幕下是一个大型氢燃料产品模型,客人可以一边近距离欣赏模型,一边观看屏幕视频。而我们设置悬挂式屏幕的原因是因为现场的限制。展厅的布局实际上只有俩面牆可以使用,为了不要让投影幕浪费了牆体的空间,悬挂式屏幕就成了解决方法。在物料挑选方面我们源用了公司的主色调,金属瓷砖用在接待区,将白色大理石放在了展示区,明显区分了两个不同的功能。这个强烈的对比产生了视觉衝击,混合出一种工业风以及数码氛围。
The overall design of the interior of the exhibition space is tends to be more futuristic and sophisticated. The fluid design technique of the interior creates a dynamic and enjoyable feeling to the visitor when they enter the space. The exhibition space also serves an important purpose of welcoming guest VIPs and visitors in order to encourage people to know deeper about the company. One of the eye-catching elements inside the exhibition space is the 360˚ hanging projection screen. The irregular-shaped screen located on the left side of the space. It wraps around a physical powertrain model and provides a maximum visual experience for the visitors. The chosen materials are also incorporate with the theme of the company. The contrast between metallic tiles and the white marble helps separating the reception area and the main exhibition area. It creates a huge visual impact on the visitor to sense a mixture of a dark industrial feeling and a bright modernist cyber-atmosphere.